Ranking of TOA English

TOA Ranking English


The order of Examination of TOA forms in Germany
From White Sash to Green Sash (TOA-Trainer):
The unchangeable seven forms


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1st Step Ana-Toa
2nd Step Ata-Do
3rd Step Su-To
4th Step Sam-Sama-E
5th Step Mayana (Mayaneh)
6th Step Koana & Vesta-Mayana
7th Step Vayma-Bato (Vayma-Matto)
From Green to Brown Sash (TOA-Trainer high-level):


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8th Step Ana-Toa Sabz (Green Ana-Toa),
9th Step Cold Weapon Ri-Keyma (Sword with long Handle),
Shamshir (New Variation of Sword’s Technique),
Do Shamshir (Double Swords),
Tak Tigh (Short Sword),
Do Tigh (Double Short Sword),
Shamshir va Separ (Persian Sword and Shield),
10th Step Cold Weapon Sai (Double Sai),
Tak Kard (Knife),
Do Kard (Double Knife),
Do Das (Double Kama or Double Gama),
11th Step Cold Weapon Choob (Long Stick),
12th Step Cold Weapon Tak Choob (Single short Stick),
Do Choob (Double short Sticks),
13th Step Cold Weapon Tak Tonfa (Single Tonfa),
Do Tonfa (Double Tonfa),
14th Step Dam (Breathing Technique)
From Brown to Black Sash (TOA-Master):
The stage of innovation of new techniques for the progress of TOA Martial Art.


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The practitioner has to spend three years on learning another martial art of his own volition. Having gained lots of experience, the practitioner has to innovate new techniques pertinent to brown sash. The new techniques must be examined by two black sash holders so that related masters could modify them and promote them. After the confirmation of the techniques, the black sash is handed in to the brown sash holder officially. All the innovated techniques are learned by the black sash holders and they would train them to others.